Contact details

De Computer Experts

Houtmankade, 42C
1013MX, Amsterdam
(Open on appointment)

Josephine Bakerstraat 25
1311 GB, Almere

No obligations ICT scan

Can you save on parts or do you have to make an investment now in order to create future-proofness?

Free IT scan

Change management

Every organisation, yours included, has constant streams of small and big changes that need to be implemented smoothly, without causing any disruption to the day-to-day activities. Examples include adding new workstations, expanding a software package, installing a new printer, patching a server with a security update and all other matters in relation to the improvement, optimisation and modification of the existing IT infrastructure.
Our experts can readily make these modifications to your businesses’ IT infrastructure, without disrupting day-to-day activities too much.
